Ancient Wisdom: A Topical Guide to the Book of Proverbs, part 1

        The book of Proverbs contains much wisdom; but the proverbs in chapters 10-31 of the book of Proverbs are apparently not given in topical order.  For convenience in using them practically, I have attempted to arrange them in topical order in the following series of blog posts, which are excerpts from my upcoming book on the subject.
        After the first section, which is general in nature, the topics in the table of contents given below are listed in the order of their frequency.  So, by looking at the list below, you can see at a glance which topics these chapters of Proverbs give the most attention to. For example, under the heading of “Financial Wisdom”, because there were more proverbs about diligence than any other subject, it is listed first. The second-most discussed financial subject is “The Social Effect of Wealth versus Poverty”, and so on. Topic frequency is not intended to be compared between separate sections. Note that topics that are mentioned less frequently are still important (Proverbs 30:5):

Every word of God is pure: He is a shield unto them that put their trust in Him.

        I have attempted to categorize each proverb in these chapters under the most appropriate heading. This process itself requires wisdom; and since I am not infallible, the categorization may be imperfect, or there may be additional categories that I did not note in the original study. Please feel free to contact me with suggested improvements.

        The source of all true wisdom is found in the cross of Calvary. – E.G. White, Sermons and Talks, volume 2, page 308.
Outline of the Topics

Introductory Wisdom about Wisdom
1. Where Wisdom Comes from and How To Get It
2. Characteristics of Fools and Wicked People Compared to Wise and Righteous People
3. Not Listening to Wisdom Is Harmful and Even Deadly
4. The Way and the Reward of Righteousness versus the Way of Death
5. The Meaninglessness and Hopelessness of Wickedness
Financial Wisdom
1. Diligence versus Laziness
2. The Social Effect of Wealth Versus Poverty
3. Generosity versus Selfishness and Greed
4. Wealth versus the Deliverance of Righteousness
5. Avoid Cosigning for Other People
6. We Reap What We Sow
7. Where Wealth Comes From
8. Reliable Workers versus Unreliable Workers
9. Don’t Get Rich Quick
10. Vows
Management Wisdom
1. Legacy and Future of the Righteous versus the Wicked
2. Good Counsel and Plans versus Bad Counsel and Plans
3. Successful versus Unsuccessful Leadership and Kingship
4. Favor and Respect and Good Reputation versus Disfavor and Bad Reputation
5. Good Judgment versus Poor Judgment
6. How to Relate and How Not to Relate to Leaders
7. Qualified versus Unqualified Leaders
8. Dishonesty versus Honest Business Practices
9. Agricultural Wisdom

Wise Words
1. True Words versus False Words
2. Wise Words versus Unwise Words
3. The Words of the Wicked versus the Words of the Righteous
4. Gossip versus Discretion
5. Kind Words versus Unkind Words
Wise Emotions
1. Rage and Conflict versus Discretion and Peacemaking
2. The Inner Emotional Experience of the Righteous versus That of the Wicked
3. Pride versus Humility
4. Contentment versus Jealousy and Envy
5. Violence
6. Happiness versus Unhappiness
7. When to Rebuke and When to Withhold Rebuke
8. Self-control versus Intemperance
9. Attentiveness versus Distraction
10. Flattery
11. Despite and Disrespect versus Mercy
12. Things That Bring Rejoicing versus Sadness to the Heart
13. Appropriate Timing versus Inappropriate Timing
14. Sexual Purity versus Impurity
15. Confidence versus Wavering
16. Gluttony versus Temperance
17. Honor versus Dishonor
18. Fear versus Security
19. Gratitude versus Ungratefulness

Social Wisdom
1. Good Friends and Companions versus Fools
2. Long Life and Good Health versus Short Life and Poor Health
3. Caring for the Poor versus Taking Advantage of the Poor
4. Bribes versus Just Judgment
5. Social Effect of Leadership
6. How the Just Should Resist the Wicked
7. Healthy Choices

Family Wisdom
1. The Household Destiny of the Righteous versus That of the Wicked
2. How To Relate to Your Father and Mother
3. The Godly Woman versus the Unwise Woman
4. Wise Children versus Unwise Children
5. Disciplining Children
6. A Virtuous and Happy Wife versus an Unvirtuous and Unhappy Wife

Divine Wisdom
1. Characteristics of the Lord
2. Delights and Abominations to the Lord
3. The Worship of the Wicked Versus the Righteous
4. The Law of God
5. Prophecy

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